Polylok Product Catalog - Volume 7

Effluent Filters & Accs. Risers, Adapters, Covers & Accs. Distribution Boxes & Accs. Grates, Catch Basins, Trench Drains & Drainage Accs. Pumps, Alarms & Accs. Basins & Accs. Seals, Baffles, Mandrels & Accs. Rebar Spacers & Precast Accs. The distribution of wastewater or effluent, operating under gravity or pressure, distributes the effluent into the soil treatment area. Ensuring even distribution of the wastewater is crucial in maintaining the longevity of the drainfield. At Polylok, our line of wastewater distribution accessories will ensure that your system will operate as you designed and constructed it.