Polylok Product Catalog - Volume 7

Effluent Filters & Accs. Risers, Adapters, Covers & Accs. Distribution Boxes & Accs. Grates, Catch Basins, Trench Drains & Drainage Accs. Pumps, Alarms & Accs. Basins & Accs. Seals, Baffles, Mandrels & Accs. Rebar Spacers & Precast Accs. For over 30 years we have focused on quality and innovation in precast and wastewater products. Our filters are perfect examples of where innovation and quality come together. With strong roots in wastewater management and precast, we have spent many years designing and perfecting our filters. We offer five different Polylok effluent filters that can handle anywhere from 800 GPD to 10,000 GPD. Each design is patented and NSF certified.