Polylok Product Catalog - Volume 7
Effluent Filters & Accs. Risers, Adapters, Covers & Accs. Distribution Boxes & Accs. Grates, Catch Basins, Trench Drains & Drainage Accs. Pumps, Alarms & Accs. Basins & Accs. Seals, Baffles, Mandrels & Accs. Rebar Spacers & Precast Accs. Polylok’s basins are customizable, stackable and a convenient way to tackle water and wastewater storage requirements. We offer a solid basin 24” diameter x 40” tall and a configurable 24” diameter model using our risers, grates and covers covering heights from 14” to 62”. Polylok’s customizable basins are a great way to offer maximum size options on-site to save time and money. Polylok also offers air pump basins, basins for rain water storage, sump, sewage and effluent / pump basins and basins for filters to be used externally from the septic tank.